- Bake and give food to a neighbour
- Donate money to a charity of your choice
- Help your parents with some extra house work or chores
- Teach something beneficial to a younger sibling or younger family friend
- Recite, or listen to, an extra page of Quran today
- Donate to a food bank
- Choose some of your old toys or clothes that are in good condition, and bring them to a charity shop
- Make sure to smile at everyone today! (Smiling is sadaqa)
- Make a card or note to tell someone you love and appreciate them
- Pick up rubbish from the street and put it into the bin
- Look out for someone lonely at school, and make time to talk and play with them
- Make dua specially for someone
- Go a day without complaining
- Let someone go ahead of you in a line
- Reuse paper when you’re drawing, make an effort not to waste water when washing, and be sure to recycle any packaging instead of throwing in the bin
- Read to a younger sibling or friend
- Extra tasbeeh: Say alhamdulillah 100 times, and reflect on blessings in your life that make you say “alhamdulillah”
- Visit somebody in hospital
- Find opportunities to give genuine compliments throughout the day, and make someone smile
- Give salam to as many people as you can today!
- Extra tasbeeh: Say subhanallah 100 times, and reflect on the wonderful things in the world that make you say “subhanallah”
- Sponsor an orphan
- Help parents with laundry
- Call grandparents for a chat
- Lend books to a friend
- Pray in the mosque today
- Buy a gift and give it to a loved one
- Explain to a non Muslim friend about why we fast during Ramadan
- Treat an animal with extra kindness
- Make an effort to learn something new today
O Allah, accept from us our good deeds… Ameen
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