Sunday, May 17

Because It's You :)

Cik Hani | 15:13 | 3Comments |

Because it’s you, my heart beats (as you may not expect),
my heart doesn’t beat because of others
Similar to water a flower pot, your love allows me to live
Because it is you, I can smile, there’s no way I can smile because of others
Like the one remaining lamp is a storm, you’re a miracle to me

Though I loved you a thousand times, I want to say it again
A word that makes my heart beat
When I was meeting you, I was a really happy person

When I open my eyes, I don’t know if it’s a dream, I’m always anxious
My love, my destiny, I can’t lose you

Though I loved you a thousand times, I want to say it again
A word that makes my heart beat
In a way it won’t hurt me, a protective, thankful word

Really thankful for the person who will grab my hand on an exhausting day
That person is you
When I was meeting you, I was a really happy person

I’ll protect you, I believe you, I love you

Though I loved you a thousand times, I want to say it again
The sad and lonely me probably doesn’t exist now
You’re the only person for me
You, the person directly in front of me, came to me
You did it through our love

Yang Menaip,


  1. Allahamdulillah... sangat indah kasih sayang dan cinta yang dikurnaiakan oleh allah swt... Sebenarnya cinta yang kita rasa itu adalah cinta Allah pada kita... kadang kala kita melebihkan makhluk daripadaNya...

  2. Jom join contest ira.. Banyak hadiah yang menarik :)

  3. sheila Adziz: Syukur atas segala kasih sayang yang ALLAH kurniakan, sis.. asalkan tau batas2 kita, jangan pernah lebihkan cinta sesama manusia melebihi cinta mahlukNya
